Créer une base de POI avec ses contacts (photo et téléphone)
Sur le NUVI 765, cette opération est plus simple, lisez cet article.
Créer, sur les NUVI, une base de POI avec ses propres contacts est possible. Non pas via « Mes favoris » (on ne peut malheureusement pas y associer de photos) mais via un fichier « .gpx » comprenant la liste de vos POI et POI Loader.
Inconvénients du système :
- la liste est statique et doit être mise à jour via le PC
- il faut connaître les indications de latitude et de longitude lorsque l’on crée le POI (utilisez pour cela le site GPS
- on ne peut inscrire qu’un seul numéro de téléphone par contact
- NB : si on se réfère à l’aide en ligne de POI Loader, on peut nénamoins créer pour un même POI plusieurs références téléphoniques en respectant ce type de rédaction
- le fichier « .gpi » peut être volumineux si les photos sont trop grandes (préférez des formats « .jjpg » de taille proche de 20 ko)
Avantages du système :
- les photos de ses contatcs
- un appel téléphonique main libre sans nécessiter le transfert du répertoire du téléphone
- une adresse postale complète
- plus de limitation en nombre de waypoints dans « Mes favoris »
Pour réussir cela, il suffit pour réussir cela de mettre dans un même répertoire
- une ou plusieurs photos au format « .jpg »
- un fichier au format « .gpx »
Astuce :
Ne créez pas de sous répertoire dans ce répertoire, POI Loader risque de ne pas transférer les photos…
Pour fonctionner, le fichier « .gpx » doit être rédigé selon cette trame (en gras les informations liées au contact) :« >
Seule la section allant de
Après le transfert via POI Loader, le résultat est au rendez-vous, vous n’avez qu’à comparer la copie d’écran du NUVI et le texte du fichier « .gpx »…
Récupérez ce fichier zippé et copiez le sur votre PC pour essayer.
Open XML Editor (programme gratuit) vous permet d’éditer ce type de fichier « .gpx ».
Le site GPS pour obtenir les coordonnées GPS d’une adresse.
A retenir :
Pour que la base « .gpx », soit correctement envoyée au NUVI, il faut impérativement :
- mettre les fichiers « .jpg » dans le même répertoire que le fichier « .gpx »
- indiquer dans le fichier « .gpx » uniquement le nom du fichier « .jpg » et non pas l’arborescence
- donner au fichier « ..gpx » le nom de la rubrique que l’on souhaite voir apparaître dans la liste de POI (exemple : « Contacts.gpx » donnera une rubrique de POI « Contacts »)
merci pour cet article fort interressant mais je me pose une question
vous dites : « il faut connaître les indications de latitude et de longitude lorsque l’on crée le POI »
d’ou la reflexion suivante, comment connaite la latitude et longitude d’une adresse quelconque ?
un site, un soft, je ne vois pas trop
Merci pour votre aide
Ici pour répondre à ta question.
ouah, t’es trop fort Soupon
merci pour tuto, mais a la fin, tu met quelle extension au fichier quand tu l’enregistre?
ensuite tu l’injecte comment dans le gps? avec un programe ou en copier coller dans le repertoire du GPS via l’explorateur windows?
encore une question, cette structure de fichier est utilisable pour juste les NUVI 765, ou tout les nuvi, ou peut etre utilisé aussi pour les gps viamichelin?
format : « .gpx »
transfert : POI Loader
NUVI : tous ceux qui lisent les formats GPX convertit par POI Loader a priori tous)
pour info, POI Loader n’a pas reconnu mon GPS viamichelin x970t a l’installation, je ne sais pas si c’est une incompatibilité ou une fausse manip de ma part!
pourrez vous pour essais, copier dans votre repertoire le fichier une fois transfere dans le portable et me l’envoyer afin d’eesayé si une fois conpacté, je le colle dans mon repertoire, et vois si c’est la meme structure de fichier qu’il faut pour viamichelin!
merci coop
POI Loader est un programme pour les GPS Garmin. POI Loader crée des fichiers au format GPI qui sont propres aux modèles Garmin !
j’ai fait l’essai sur un NUVI 255WT
seul le nom de la personne est affiché
ni les adresses ni le numero de téléphone et la photo n’apparaissent pas
est ce cette procedure est compatible avec le 255
merci pour votre aide
J’ai mis à jour la carte Europe de mon 660T à la suite de quoi je n’avais plus mes POI’s (fausse manip’ ?)
J’ai donc rechargé mes contacts perso avec POI loader mais maintenant j’ai pour chaque contact, entre le nom et l’adresse 3 nouvelles lignes qui s’affichent sans que je sache d’où ça vient…!? =
Informations sur les alarmes
Distance : 400m
Vitesse : 3km/h
Merci pour votre travail, merci pour vos indications précieuses.
J’ai un Nüvi 1390.
J’ai copié le fichier contact.gpx et modifié les champs pour l’adapter à un de mes contacts.
La transformation par POI loader fonctionne bien.
Téléphoner/Point d’intérêts/Suppléments/POI personnalisés, cela fonctionne.
Oû aller/Point D’intérêts/Suppléments/POI personnalisés, cela fonctionne.
Outils/Visonn. Photo la photo s’affiche.
Mais on ne voit nulle part l’adresse !
Auriez-vous une solution ?
D’avance merci pour votre réponse et votre travail de vulgarisation, les informations chez Garmin sont soit superficielles, soit complexes.
Concernant mon message précédent, à force de bidouiller, j’avais laissé le fichier de la photo dans le répertoire JPEG de mon Nüvi. Donc, après suppression de cette dernière, pas de photo non plus avec le contact
“In other words, a single state like Israel still defies 22 Arab countries and deals with other countries of the world in a manner it knows how best to serve its interests. Israel is still committed to its arrogance and uses the threat of military power to defend its interests. This happens although the Arab countries are doing nothing either against Israel or against its allies except bow before the Israeli arrogance.” [url=][/url] Contaminated water s [url=]abercrombie and fitch outlet[/url]
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However, breast cancer is still the most common cancer among Hispanic/Latina women. Breast cancer screening in these women is just as important as it is for African-American and Caucasian women. In 2012 the most recent data available, among Hispanic/Latina women in the U.S., estimated that 17,100 new cases of breast cancer. [url=][/url] Parents should expect communication from teachers before their child’s involvement in any project using online social media applications, such as blogs, wikis, podcasts, etc.
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The Tween Titans, a program consisting of 9 to 12 year olds from Coolidge, recently viewed the viral video “Caine’s Arcade,” which told the story of a 9-year-old California boy who was on the search for a way to express himself, and maybe make a little money. So he created an arcade out of spare cardboard boxes from his father’s store, and created his own arcade in the front of his father’s shop. [url=]abercrombie and fitch outlet[/url] Turkey faced again a coal mine accident yesterday. The mine is located near the Pamuklu village in the province’s Ermenek district. Twenty miners were stuck in the flooded gallery. The coal mine accident occurred when accumulated underground flooded the mine gallery. According to an agency, « Over 40 workers were in the mine at the time of the incident, when there was a problem in one gallery. Twenty miners could manage to escape from the gallery and rest twenty were left working in the gallery. »
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Name: Paul Crothers [url=][/url] Most people associate St. Paddy s Day weekend with drinking and excess, but for runners, there s no such thing as a spring break! Virginia Beach has welcomed a clan of about 4,000 marathoners to its scenic, flat shoreline every Saint Patrick s Day since 1973, and more than 20,000 other runners participate annually in the weekend s other activities (including a half marathon, 8K, and appropriately named « Leprechaun Dash »). In keeping with?the spirit of the holiday, the festivities conclude with a party that includes live entertainment, authentic Irish stew, and?most importantly?ice-cold pints of Yuengling.
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The president will be making the trip with his wife and two daughters. There will also be at least 95 members of Congress in attendance Republicans and Democrats. [url=][/url] On Tuesday, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors unanimously signed off on a six-month agreement to negotiate directly with the city and its private development partner, Floyd Kephart, on redeveloping the sprawling Coliseum complex into a densely packed urban center with a new football stadium for the Raiders. If talks progress, the three parties could enter into a development deal for the site later this year. z [url=]abercrombie[/url]
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The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, the temperatures are rising… what time of the year could possibly be better for testing your determination, lacing up, and finally running that famous?26.2 miles??For many of us, spring means slowly easing back into physical activity, but others tackle it head-on by participating in a marathon. [url=][/url] Mission: Santa Barbara
No short policy such as this can spell out all possible instances of material or behavior that we might deem to be a violation of our publishing standards, and we reserve the right to remove any material posted to the site. [url=]burberry outlet[/url] Armstrong, who overcame testicular cancer, was approached to join the ride by former English soccer player Geoff Thomas, who is trying to raise $1.5 million for the fight against blood cancer. f [url=]httP://[/url]
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j « I think Rick Ray’s ultimate downfall at State is he didn’t get good enough players, » Rick Cleveland, of the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame said. « He was a fine coach, but great players make great coaches. Ben Howland has shown in the past (that) he can bring in great players. » [url=]michael kors[/url] Three players average 14 points per game for Villanova, including Hilliard. They’d like to run and gun and run some more against the Panthers in their second-round NCAA Tournament matchup at 8:25 p.m. Thursday. [url=]michael kors[/url]
‘s concert [url=]burberry outlet[/url] Business workshop: The Chamber of Latin American Entrepreneurs will on Saturday, April 27 present the fourth annual Latino Entrepreneurs Conference.
The damage in Port Vila, where even some of the cement-reinforced buildings had roofs blown off, is an early indication of the expected catastrophe in the less-developed islands, where locals predominantly live in traditional thatched housing. [url=]httP://[/url] The emphasis in mindfulness is on “the moment.” As in now. Not the past, and Eve’s original sin, or Abraham’s problem with his sons, or Mohammed’s decision to become a prophet, or page after page of obscure Bible or Quran verses. z [url=]michael kors[/url]
Security was coached to separate the uninvited court-stormers from Sean Miller, who would take the trophy from commissioner Larry Scott. The two men would force a smile at one another. Confetti would fly. [url=]michael kors outlet[/url] Feeling stressed? You?re not alone. While the economy may be improving, finances continue to be a burden especially on young adults and parents, according to a recent study from the American Psychological Association.More than one in four people report feeling stressed over money most or all of the time, according to the ?Stress in America: Paying With Our Health? survey. Stress over money has remained the same for 59 percent of respondents or gotten worse (29 percent) in the last year. There is a link between well-being and financial security, the report found, with nearly three-quarters of participants reporting feeling stressed about money at some point in the past year, and some of them saying that they sacrificed health care because of finances.?When people are financially challenged, it makes sense their stress level could go up,? said Dr. Norman Anderson, the chief executive officer and executive vice president of the American Psychological Association. ?Many industries in the economy have shown improvement, but we still know many people aren?t benefiting and are still concerned about economic well-being.?On a positive note, Americans? stress levels are trending downward: The average reported stress level is 4.9 on a 10-point scale, down from 6.2 in 2007. However, regardless of lower stress levels, it appears that Americans are living with stress levels higher than what we believe to be healthy ? 3.7 on a 10-point scale ? and some (22 percent) say they are not doing enough to manage their stress.?This year?s survey continues to reinforce the idea that we are living with a level of stress that we consider too high,? Anderson said. ?Despite the good news that overall stress levels are down, it appears that the idea of living with stress higher than what we believe to be healthy and dealing with it in ineffective ways continues to be embedded in our culture. All Americans, and particularly those groups that are most affected by stress ? which include women, younger adults and those with lower incomes ? need to address this issue sooner than later in order to better their health and well-being.?A few more of the 2015 Stress in America survey?s findings:n Nearly one in five Americans say that they have either considered skipping (9 percent) or skipped (12 percent) going to the doctor when they needed health care because of financial concerns. n Stress about money also impacts relationships: Almost a third of adults with partners (31 percent) report that money is a major source of conflict in their relationship.n Women are more stressed than men. Fifty-one percent of women said that stress keeps them awake at night, compared to only 32 percent of men.The report also uncovered good news about stress management. Americans who say they have someone they can ask for emotional support, such as family and friends, report lower stress levels those without emotional support. Unfortunately, some Americans say that they do not have anyone to rely on for emotional support. According to the survey, 43 percent of those who say they have no emotional support report that their overall stress has increased in the past year, compared with 26 percent of those who say they have emotional support.
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SIGN UP: Capital Journal Daybreak, straight to your inbox [url=][/url] It’s more than time. The Chance operates at 94 percent capacity; the standard for such venues is 73 percent. I’ve always appreciated the intimacy of the Chance, even the quirks that come with that. (If you’re in the front row, you keep your feet tucked back lest you trip a dancer. And the forecast is always a 50 percent chance of light saliva showers when actors are really projecting.)
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The congregation was inspired by the teachings of the late Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, considered one of the founders of Jewish Renewal. Reb Zalman, who died in July, left his impression on the entire Renewal community, Metzger said. [url=]louis vuitton handbags[/url] The editors at Pine Island News are proud of all the hard work and dedication of the Kiwanis Club and for their continued support of the youth and community.
In 2012, the new children’s playground opened — then was the next day. In February, someone hot-wired a construction vehicle and went for a around the construction site, causing over $100,000 in damage. [url=]polo ralph lauren outlet online[/url] • The President restored 60,000 public sector workers (in the Education Sector) while Britain has created 1.85 million private sector jobs and reduced the public sector payroll by 412,000.
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k KUWAIT CITY, March 23, (KUNA): Deputy Chairman of Kuwait’s Supreme Judicial Council and the Cassation Court and President of the Constitutional Court Judge Yousef Al-Mutawa thanked His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al- Jaber Al-Sabah for his great trust in the judicial power. “Thank you for this great confidence which Your Highness express in different events. This trust increases our responsibility and makes us more steadfast to forge ahead with our noble message to promote justice,” Al-Mutawa said in a speech during His Highness the Amir’s reception of the participants in the Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils (UACCC) meeting, currently held in Kuwait. He added that Kuwaiti courts and judges are eager to secure justice and guarantee the rule of law. Al-Mutawa pointed out that the UACCC is making strides in materializing its objectives. [url=]michael kors bags[/url] TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) – With bullets flying and his heart pounding, Spanish tourist Josep Lluis Cusido never got a clear look at the men shooting their way through the Bardo museum in Tunis as he hid behind a pillar. The only thing he noticed what that the attacker closest to him seemed young. y
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While summer rains may increase for much of the country, rising temperatures are likely to see more evaporation, reducing the benefits. Overall soil moisture and run-off levels are also likely to drop, affecting agriculture and water management, the report found. [url=]true religion[/url] The Women s International Zionist Organization has teamed up with Wikimedia Israel in an initiative to add content on leading Jewish and Israeli female figures to the online encyclopedia s Hebrew site.The project aims to create pages for 150 prominent Israeli women who have not yet received Wikipedia recognition, in the fields of education, culture, economy, security, sports and society.Launched as part of Wikipedia s international activities for Women s History Month, the initiative calls on writers from the general public to submit their candidacy to write the content.In June, at the end of the two-month competition, a joint WIZO and Wikipedia committee will announce the winners, who will create the content for the site and receive a cash prize. We chose to come out with this project on International Women s Day in order to bring to light the stories of women who are left out of the history books, Prof. Rivka Lazovsky, chairwoman of World WIZO Executive, told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.The 150 women were chosen according to criteria that Wikipedia determined, including the nature of their work and its contribution to society. We chose contemporary women with the aim of unveiling their achievements to the world and ensuring [that] their values and accomplishments will be written on Wikipedia, Lazovsky explained. None of the women are currently featured on the site, and most are not even found on Google or other places, despite their many prominent activities. According to a survey Wikipedia conducted in May 2014, a vast majority of Israelis some 65% use the site on a regular basis, and 75% of Wikipedia users consider it their main source of information.This data further underscores the need to incorporate successful women into the website and raise the profile of Israeli women while inspiring a new generation of girls, asserted Lazovsky.Among the women the project will feature are author Orly Krauss-Winer; Sandra Branson, one of the founders of women s basketball in Israel; and two-time chess champion Masha Klinova. WIZO sees this as an important mission, and we are very happy with this collaboration, said Lazovsky. We think the general public, women and men alike, will also be happy to get to know women who are doing groundbreaking work as well as adding to Israel s contributions to the world. According to the WIZO chairwoman, the competition has already garnered widespread interest and an array of content-writing candidates, including children and youth. We have received wonderful feedback, and people are even asking if they can add women to the list something we hope we can do in the future, she said.The two organizations are also holding Wikipedia content- writing training programs for interested candidates throughout the country. We welcome the general public to take part in this endeavor and sign up through the Wikipedia Israel website, and hope it will generate as much excitement as we feel, said Lazovsky. b [url=]coach factory outlet[/url]
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